Permata Photojournalist Grant XI: COURAGE
PermataBank believes that education is a very crucial factor in creating significant changes toward a better society. One of PermataBank’s commitments in improving the nation’s education is shown…
Sejalan dengan visi PermataBank untuk menjadi bank pilihan utama yang senantiasa menjalin kemitraan dan menciptakan nilai tambah bagi seluruh pemangku kepentingan, PermataBank percaya bahwa…
Sejalan dengan visi kami untuk menjadi bank pilihan dengan terus membina kemitraan dan menciptakan nilai bermakna bagi seluruh pemangku kepentingan. PermataBank percaya bahwa pendidikan merupakan…
Training of Trainers 2013-2020
Inspired by the experience when participated in the Training of Trainers held by World Press Photo in 2006, PannaFoto Institute designs an intensive training on teaching methods for those who work…
Erasmus Huis Fellowship to Amsterdam 2014-2022
Through its fellowship programme, PermataBank and Erasmus Huis will award a scholarship to one deserving candidate from Permata PhotoJournalist Grant (PPG) programme alumni. The programme offers a…
NEWS Event,NewsSeri Seminar Fotografi #1 – Permata Youth Photostory (PYP): KINDNESSOctober 31, 2023…