PermataBank believes that education is one of the crucial factors in making a difference and a change in society. Permata PhotoJournalist Grant (PPG) is the first program held by PermataBank to show its commitment in advancing education in Indonesia. The program is dedicated to the development and improvement of Indonesian photojournalists’ knowledge and skills. The daily assignment requires the photojournalists to create visual artworks and report on what is happening in the world to the public. PPG is held in hopes that it would become a place for learning and be able to present the best works to the society.
PPG I, which was held in 2011, received positive responses from media, photojournalists, and the public. Following the success, PermataBank established major partnerships with Erasmus Huis and the Netherlands Embassy in Indonesia and embarked upon collaborations with PannaFoto Institute, Leica Store Indonesia, PT Suburmitra Grafistama, PT Surya Palacejaya, mentors, guest mentors, editors-in-chief, and photo editors from the participating media in this program.
This year’s PPG VIII program consists of a photography workshop for the ten selected photojournalists and a grant to complete a photo story project. The workshop, which started on 11 December 2018, was held twice a week in 12 class sessions. Under the mentorship of experienced practitioners, the participants received trainings on photo stories and writing. PPG VIII workshop concluded with a three-day intensive class with Jenny Smets from 11 to 13 February 2019. The participants’ works developed in the workshop were presented to the public through a photo exhibition and a photo book titled Diversity.
This year, for the third time, PPG rewarded the participant with the best work with Leica Camera Typ TL and 18mm Lens from Leica Store Indonesia.
Photo Story
Albertus Vembrianto
Recipient of The Best Work of PPG 2018
Hendra Eka
2020 Erasmus Huis Fellowship to Amsterdam Recipient
Rosa Panggabean
2014 Erasmus Huis Fellowship to Amsterdam Recipient
Yoppy Pieter
2015 Erasmus Huis Fellowship to Amsterdam Recipient