Komite Program PPG 2018
Penasihat // Advisors
Richele Maramis
Richele memulai karirnya dalam bidang Humas di Jakarta Hilton International dan Diners Club International. Bersama tim Komunikasi Perusahaan & Hubungan Masyarakat ABN AMRO Bank, ia turut serta meluncurkan bagian humas dan komunikasi Bank tersebut dalam proses reorganisasi global dan lokal besar pertamanya. Pada tahun 2002, ia merambah industri kecantikan & tata rias di L’Oreal Indonesia, membentuk divisi Komunikasi Perusahaan & Humas serta mengembangkan inisiatif Humas dan CSR unggulan pertama perusahaan tersebut. Ia bergabung dengan Departemen Komunikasi Internal PermataBank pada tahun 2008 sebelum menjabat sebagai Kepala Komunikasi Perusahaan & Pengembangan Masyarakat di perusahaan penyedia layanan kesehatan terkemuka, Combiphar. Ia membantu pembentukan divisi tersebut dan meluncurkan platform Humas perusahaan, termasuk program unggulan CombiRun, selama 4 tahun. Richele kembali bergabung dengan PermataBank pada tahun 2016 dan saat ini menjabat sebagai Wakil Presiden Senior, Kepala Departemen Corporate Affairs.
Richele Maramis – Wakil Presiden Senior, Kepala Departemen Corporate Affairs, PermataBank. Praktisi Komunikasi, Hubungan Masyarakat, dan CSR profesional dengan pengalaman 26 tahun di berbagai industri ini gemar menyusun strategi pengembangan masyarakat, baik melalui kemitraan strategis maupun pembimbingan pribadi. Inspirasi hariannya datang dari kata-kata mutiara Winston Churchill yang terkenal: “Kita hidup dari apa yang kita dapatkan, tetapi kita menciptakan kehidupan dari apa yang kita berikan”.
After starting her career in PR with Jakarta Hilton International, followed by Diners Club International, she joined ABN AMRO Bank’s Corporate Communications & Public Relations team, taking part in rolling-out the Bank’s PR & communication during its first major global and local reorganization. In 2002, she entered the beauty & cosmetics industry with L’Oreal Indonesia, setting up the Corporate Communications & PR division, developing its first flagship corporate PR and CSR initiatives. In 2008, she joined PermataBank, driving its Internal Communications department until she joined major healthcare player, Combiphar, as Head of Corporate Communication & Community Development, where she set-up the division and launched its corporate PR platform including its well-recognized CombiRun program for 4 years. Richele rejoined PermataBank in 2016 and is currently SVP, Head of Corporate Affairs.
Richele Maramis – Senior Vice President, Head of Corporate Affairs, PermataBank. Richele is a professional Communication, Public Relations and CSR practitioner with 26 years of experience spanning various industries. Her passion lies in developing strategies to build communities be it through strategic partnerships or personal mentoring. Her daily dose of inspiration comes from Winston Churchill’s famous quote ”We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give”.
Joyce Nijssen
Joyce Nijssen adalah lulusan Twente University jurusan Administrasi Publik yang saat ini menjabat sementara posisi Direktur Erasmus Huis di Jakarta. Ia memulai kariernya sebagai auditor di Ernst & Young dan bekerja sebagai ahli keuangan sejak 1994 hingga 2006 di Kementerian Pendidikan, Budaya, dan Sains Belanda. Pada tahun 2006, ia bergabung dengan Kementerian Luar Negeri dan bekerja di bidang manajemen operasi dan urusan konsuler di Tbilisi, Den Haag, dan Kuala Lumpur. Pada 2017, ia mulai bekerja sebagai Manajer Erasmus Huis di Jakarta, menggabungkan keahlian profesional dengan kegemarannya akan musik, seni, dan sastra.
Public Administration graduate from Twente University, is acting director of the Erasmus Huis in Jakarta. She started her career as auditor at Ernst & Young and worked from 1994 until 2006 as financial expert at the ministry of Education, Culture and Science of The Netherlands. In 2006 she joined the ministry of Foreign Affairs, where she worked in operations management and consular affairs in Tbilisi, The Hague and Kuala Lumpur. In 2017 she started to work as Manager of the Erasmus Huis in Jakarta, thus combining her professional expertise with her passion for music, art and literature.
Sinartus Sosrodjojo
Lulus tahun 1998 dari Occidental College, California, ia bekerja di berbagai surat kabar di Amerika Serikat sebelum kembali ke Indonesia dan menjadi kontributor sejumlah media seperti Der Spiegel dan TIME Magazine. Pada 2001, Sinartus mendirikan JiwaFoto Agency untuk mewakili fotografer lokal di dunia internasional dan sebaliknya.
Tahun 2006, dengan dukungan dari World Press Photo Foundation ia mendirikan PannaFoto Institute, sebuah institusi nirlaba untuk mengembangkan fotografi di Indonesia.
Upon his graduation from Occidental College, California, in 1998, Sinartus worked for various newspapers in the United States before going back to Indonesia and became a contributor to a number of media, such as Der Spiegel and TIME Magazine. In 2001, Sinartus established JiwaFoto Agency to represent local photographers internationally and foreign photographers locally. In 2006, with support from World Press Photo Foundation, he founded PannaFoto Institute, a nonprofit institute, to develop photography in Indonesia.
Tim Seleksi // Selection Team
Hariyanto memulai kariernya sebagai pewarta foto Jawa Pos pada 1993. Setelah itu ia bekerja di berbagai media, termasuk menjadi editor foto di Tempo News Room. Kini Hariyanto menjadi Kepala Divisi Artistik dan Foto di Media Indonesia.
Puluhan penghargaan dari dalam dan luar negeri telah ia raih, di antaranya dari The World IOC Sport Photographic Contest 1997, Highly Commended Ballantine’s International Photography Award 1996 United Kingdom, Citation Prize Omiya Humor Photo Contest, Japan 1997, Grand Prize Photo Competition “Citra Indonesia“ British Council 1998, juara 1 “Satwa Indonesia 2005” photo competition, pemenang utama Mochtar Lubis Award 2010, dan juara 1 National Geographic-Firstmedia Instagram photo Competition 2011.
Hariyanto juga aktif memberikan workshop fotografi jurnalistik, menjadi kurator buku-buku fotografi jurnalistik, penulis kolom rubrik Spektrum di Mediaindonesia.com, dan menjadi juri berbagai lomba foto berskala nasional maupun internasional sejak 2005.
Hariyanto started his career as a photojournalist for Jawa Pos in 1993, followed by positions in various media, including Photo Editor at Tempo News Room. At present, he is the Head of Artistic and Photo Division of Media Indonesia.
He has won dozens of international and national awards, among them The World IOC Sport Photographic Contest 1997, Highly Commended Ballantine’s International Photography Award 1996 in United Kingdom, Citation Prize Omiya Humor Photo Contest 1997 in Japan, Grand Prize Photo Competition “Citra Indonesia“ from British Council 1998, 1st prize in “Satwa Indonesia 2005” Photo Competition, winner of Mochtar Lubis Award 2010, and 1st prize in National Geographic-Firstmedia Instagram Photo Competition 2011.
Hariyanto has been active as a curator for journalistic photography books, a writer for Spektrum column at Mediaindonesia.com, and a judge in various national and international photo competitions since 2005. He also teaches journalistic photography workshops.
Tim Seleksi/Mentor // Selection Team/Mentor
Yoppy Pieter
Yoppy mulai tertarik menggunakan kamera saat dia bekerja di perusahaan penerbit. Ia kemudian memutuskan untuk mengikuti workshop fotografi di PannaFoto Institute. Sejak saat itu, Yoppy telah terpilih menjadi salah satu peserta program Permata PhotoJournalist Grant (2011), Angkor Photo Workshop (2012), penerima Erasmus Huis Fellowship to Amsterdam (2015), dan penerima South-East Asia & Oceania 6×6 Global Talent Program yang diselenggarakan oleh World Press Photo Foundation (2017). Pada 2014, ia bersama dua rekan fotografernya, Muhammad Fadli dan Putu Sayoga, mendirikan Arka Project. Karyanya telah dipamerkan di Jakarta Photo Summit #3 (2014) dan Jakarta Biennale 2015, serta diterbitkan dalam buku Saujana Sumpu (2016).
Yoppy’s curiosity about cameras began when he was working at a publishing company. He then decided to enroll himself in a photography workshop at PannaFoto Institute. Since then, Yoppy has been selected as one of the participants for Permata PhotoJournalist Grant (2011) and Angkor Photo Workshop (2012), as well as an awardee of Erasmus Huis Fellowship to Amsterdam (2015) and South-East Asia & Oceania 6×6 Global Talent Program held by World Press Photo Foundation (2017). In 2014, together with his two photographer friends, Muhammad Fadli and Putu Sayoga, he founded Arka Project. His works were exhibited at Jakarta Photo Summit #3 (2014) and Jakarta Biennale 2015 and published in the book Saujana Sumpu (2016).
Mentor // Mentors
Edy Purnomo
Aktif mengadakan berbagai workshop untuk membina generasi baru fotografer Indonesia dan berpartisipasi dalam program pelatihan-untuk-pelatih World Press Photo di Amsterdam. Berawal sebagai stringer di Agence-France Presse dan Getty Images News Service, kini karyanya dimuat di National Geographic Indonesia, TIME Magazine, Newsweek, The New York Times, serta berbagai publikasi yang terkait dengan PBB. Pada Oktober 2012, Edy meluncurkan buku PASSING yang memuat sejumlah karya terbaiknya selama empat belas tahun berkarier sebagai fotografer. Di bulan Mei 2018 meluncurkan buku keduanya WILDTOPIA, yang menceritakan realitas absurd kebun binatang hari ini.
Edy actively holds various workshops to foster a new generation of Indonesian photographers and participates in World Press Photo’s training-for-trainers in Amsterdam. He began as a stringer at Agence-France Presse and Getty Images News Service, and his works can be found in National Geographic Indonesia, TIME Magazine, Newsweek, The New York Times, and various UN-related publications. In October 2012, Edy launched PASSING, a book containing a number of his most excellent works during his fourteen-year career. In May 2018, he launched his second book, WILDTOPIA, which tells the absurd reality of today’s zoos.
Rosa Panggabean
Ia menjadi pewarta foto Antara pada tahun 2009-2018. Sempat mengecap pendidikan fotografi nonformal Kursus Dasar Pewarta Foto Antara, Permata Photojournalist Grant 2011, Erasmus Huis Fellowship to Amsterdam 2014, dan Angkor Photo Workshop 2015. Pernah meraih sejumlah penghargaan seperti Anugerah Adiwarta dan Anugerah PFI. Ia mengerjakan hal-hal yang menjadi ketertarikan pribadinya, yaitu identitas. Salah satu projeknya telah diterbitkan dalam buku foto bertajuk Exile.
Rosa was a photojournalist at Antara from 2009 to 2018. She received informal photography education from Antara’s Photojournalist Basic Course, Permata Photojournalist Grant 2011, Erasmus Huis Fellowship to Amsterdam 2014, and Angkor Photo Workshop 2015. She also obtained a number of awards, such as Anugerah Adiwarta and Anugerah PFI. She is currently working on a number of projects on identity, a topic dear to her heart. One of her projects has been published as a photo book titled Exile.
Yusi Avianto Pareanom
Setelah lulus dari Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta, ia bekerja sebagai wartawan di majalah Forum Keadilan dan Tempo. Ia mendirikan Penerbit Banana pada 2005. Selain menulis fiksi dan nonfiksi, ia menerjemahkan dan menyunting karya-karya penulis asing ke dalam bahasa Indonesia. Ia juga terlibat dalam sejumlah produksi teater, film, dan seni multimedia lainnya.
Sejak 2016 ia bertugas di Dewan Kesenian Jakarta sebagai Ketua Komite Sastra. Pada 2016 ia diundangan hadir di International Writing Program (IWP) di Iowa, Amerika Serikat. Karya fiksinya adalah Rumah Kopi Singa Tertawa (2011), Grave Sin #14 (2015), Raden Mandasia Si Pencuri Daging Sapi (2016) yang meraih Kusala Sastra Khatulistiwa, Muslihat Musang Emas (2017).
After graduating from Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta, Yusi worked as a journalist at Forum Keadilan and Tempo before he established Banana Publishing in 2005. In addition to writing fiction and nonfiction books, he also translates and edits works of international writers into Indonesian. He is also involved in a number of theater productions, films, and other multimedia arts. He has been the Head of Literary Committee at Jakarta Arts Council since 2016.
In 2016, Yusi was invited to attend International Writing Program (IWP) in Iowa, United States. His works of fiction include Rumah Kopi Singa Tertawa (2011), Grave Sin #14 (2015), Raden Mandasia Si Pencuri Daging Sapi (2016) which was awarded Kusala Sastra Khatulistiwa, and Muslihat Musang Emas (2017).
Mentor Internasional // International Mentors
Jenny Smets
Jenny Smets adalah kurator independen pameran fotografi, pelatih, sekaligus pengarah fotografi majalah Vrij Nederland, Belanda. Majalah yang dikenal dengan standar fotografinya yang tinggi ini juga memuat esai foto sederet fotografer terkenal dari Belanda maupun internasional.
Jenny adalah kurator pameran Privacy (2015) untuk FOTODOK, galeri khusus fotografi dokumenter di Utrecht (NL). Ia juga salah satu kurator pameran There is Something About My Family (Musim Semi 2016), pameran bertema agama: Believe (September 2016), (Re)Inventing Nature, dan Beyond Us and Them (2017). Untuk Photoville di New York, ia menjadi kurator pameran Robin de Puy and Jan Hoek.
Jenny mempelajari sejarah seni modern dan kontemporer di UVA University di Amsterdam, Belanda. Spesialisasi Jenny selama studinya adalah sejarah fotografi. Minatnya dalam storytelling digital mengantar Jenny menjadi mitra PhotoStories: konferensi internasional mengenai storytelling digital untuk para fotografer dan pembuat film.
Sebagai salah satu anggota tim pelatih inti World Press Photo, ia melatih para jurnalis foto di berbagai belahan dunia. Jenny juga Penasihat Proyek untuk yayasan World Press Photo dan saat ini mengajar di sekolah seni KABK di Den Haag, Belanda.
Jenny Smets is an independent curator of photography exhibitions, trainer and director of photography of the magazine Vrij Nederland, The Netherlands. This magazine is known for the high standard of photography and publishes photo essays of renowned national and international photographers.
She was the curator for the exhibition on Privacy (2015) for FOTODOK, place for documentary photography in Utrecht (NL). She also co-curated the exhibitions There is Something about my Family (spring 2016) and the show on religion: Believe (September 2016), (Re)Inventing nature and Beyond Us and Them (2017). For Photoville in New York
she curated the exhibitions of Robin de Puy and Jan Hoek.
Jenny studied history of modern and contemporary art at UVA University in Amsterdam, the Netherlands and specialized during her studies in the history of photography. Her interest in digital storytelling made Jenny one of the partners of PhotoStories: an international conference on digital storytelling for photographers and filmmakers. Being part of the core training team of World Press Photo, she trains photojournalists in different parts of the world. She is a Project Advisor for World Press Photo foundation; and teaches at the KABK art school in The Hague, Holland.
Sasa Kralj
Sasa pernah menyelenggarakan pelatihan editorial untuk World Press Photo di Jakarta dan hingga kini masih menjadi salah satu mentor tamu pelatihan ini. Ia pernah mengajar foto jurnalistik di Shantou University, Tiongkok, serta the American University of Iraq. Saat ini ia merupakan salah satu mentor program pelatihan fotografi “Up Close” di galeri Jakopic di Ljubljana, Slovenia. Ia juga salah satu pendiri sekaligus koordinator koperasi seni the Living Atelier DK (Zivi Atelje) di Zagreb, Kroasia.
Sasa held an editorial training for World Press Photo in Jakarta and is still one of the guest mentors. He was teaching photojournalism in China’s Shantou University and the American University of Iraq. Presently he is one of the mentors at photography workshop program “Up Close” of Jakopic gallery in Ljubljana, Slovenia, and is one of the founders and coordinators of the Living Atelier DK (Zivi Atelje) art cooperative in Zagreb, Croatia.